It's what's new with you?

(deactivated member)
on 7/24/10 2:03 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone is doing and feeling well
I have not been around lately.......I kind of feel guilty even posting this since I have not been around.....Hope you guys don't mind me bouncing back to the forum.  I've been so busy the last 4 weeks with life stuff and school.  I'm cramming to complete the last 3 classes I need so I have very little free time this past month and it will be this way for the rest of the year. 

I have not been feeling great for a few weeks......I recently found out I'm VERY blood level and iron level are very very low.

I got a call I've been dad was hospitalized last week and is not doing well.  I flew up to NY to see him this past week.  He had a couple of good days while I was there but now the last 2-3 days have been really tough for him.  So much stress on my mother and the rest of the family.  Sadly some "bickering" is starting and I just do not want to be involved with it but it's hard not to say anything.  ugh!! 

I had tickets to fly back again this coming week but changed them because I have to have a colonoscopy tomorrow (Monday).  I have tickets to fly back to NY next week but certainly will go sooner if I need to.  Dad is 84 and it's so hard to see him so weak and struggling to breathe.  I've been crying for about 8 days straight.

Not looking forward to my clear liquid diet today........jello, Gatorade, and apple juice is the menu for today (NASTY!).

I submitted paperwork to volunteer at the local hospital.....I need to get out of the house more often before Matthew and I drive each other crazy.  I'm really hoping they will call soon because I just want to be busy right now to keep my mind off other stuff.

Thanks for letting my share what's been going on in my life for the last 4 weeks...........I'm going to try to get here more often.

Eileen Briesch
on 7/24/10 4:08 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Ruth and the rest of my OFF family:

Don't feel so bad about not getting here so often; there are times when life intrudes. I hope your father will be OK. And good luck with the colonoscopy ... no fun doing the clear liquid diet, but after that, it's not so bad. Good drugs and you're off to lala land.

Not much going on here; worked again last night and will work again tonight. Saturday night's work went well; I was done with the bulk of my pages by 8:30 p.m. and just had to plop in one late piece of agate (tiny type) and wait for the baseball page at 10:30 p.m. So I proofed the other pages that were out while waiting. Maybe I'm finally get back in the groove.

I should get off the computer and go to bed.; kind of tired ... not totally ready to go to bed yet. When I got home, it was so hot outside and then I got in and I was shivering and my lower stomach had such bad cramps that all I wanted was some peppermint tea. Since then, I got a little hungry and had some peanuts.

Well, like I said, not much happening. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 7/24/10 9:15 pm - Bradenton, FL
I was thinking of you the other day......Dont worry about not posting a lot. I know life gets in the way.
My prayers to you and your family.
I am working 40 plus hours this week cause we have 2 people out on medical leave and one going on vacation. So one overnight then the rest afternoons for this week and next.
Nothing else going on much but work sleep and eating!!!!! Well not so much eating.....
My shoulder is still giving me fits......I dont know if it to much computer time or what.
I am thinking of getting another baby cat. Tevia needs another playmate. So when Carl comes home we will go looking.
image hosting site

karen C.
on 7/24/10 9:30 pm, edited 7/24/10 9:31 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Everyone! I was going to wait until tomorrow to head over to see H, C, and B (and Momma and Daddy) but. . . it's supposed to reach 106 here in the desert, there are thousands of extra people in town for the hydroplane races and air show. . so I'm finishing up what I need to do here early today and hitting the road. Mike is already over there due to come home tomorrow. Think I'll just surprise everyone and show up. It will be much cooler on that side of the state. The Cascade Mountains kind of block the weather from the west. Most of the year we are happy to have the excess rain stopped but right now a good downpour would be most welcome.

My car is piled high with things to take to the kids, my stuff for 2 weeks, and my camping gear.  I'll have a busy week helping out with the grands and then I'm taking 2 days of "me" time on the coast. So looking forward to the ocean breezes, the sound of the waves, the shore birds, reading, no tv, no traffic. . . Also quite a walk to the bathroom and shower but for 2 days I'll survive!

Ruth, It's so nice to see you. Sending positive thoughts your way. It's so hard to see a loved one suffering. Even tho we know the time will come for all of us it doesn't matter how old they are. I think we mourn our loss but I do not wish anyone extra pain or suffering just to keep me from feeling the loss. Spend any time that you can with your father, comfort him, and it will comfort you.

 My dad and I sat up many nights when he was going through chemo treatments. He couldn't sleep so we would sit up and talk all night. I'd ask questions, he'd answer. I learned a lot about his childhood that I hadn't known. This was about the only way my mom would get any rest. Otherwise she would stay up all night too. When the sun rose Dad would close his eyes and get some restful sleep. When his time came I was at peace knowing that I had helped in any way that I could. When you are far away I know that is so hard. My oldest brother couldn't be with us as often as he wanted to be.

I'll check in later. Have a good one everyone.

Karen C

IdaMae D.
on 7/24/10 11:12 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Ruth, & OFF:

Breakfast is cooked and eaten - Irish oatmeal.  I have to be very careful with my pouch today.  Yesterday my South Jersey Kountry breakfast did not agree with me AT ALL!!!!!

Fortunately after breakfast we went back to our friends house where I became quite friendly with their bathroom where I was in agony for a couple hours.   Not sure if I didn't chew well enough or if that South Jersey greasy spoon atmosphere wreaked havoc on my tender pouch. 

After that experience passed which b**** the time made it impossible to drink anything for most of the day we did make it to the 4H fair.  OMG I had so much fun, it is very different from when I was a member.  Much more commercial - lots of vendors out there selling their products.  Back in the day it was the 4H members who made things and then donated to a pavilion where the wares were sold.  Gene and I had our caracture portrait done - now I have my portrait with Gene on his "Big Green Tractor"  me in Daisy Dukes LOL.   If I can get a good shot of it I'll post on here and facebook so I can share it with all.  I just love it and can't wait to get to the store today for a nice frame!

Today we are getting ready for church.  After church we have a congregational meeting.  Still working on and coming up with a short term plan to see what can be done to save the church congregation - but maybe not the church - that might need to be sold for the congregation to survive.  We belong to a very old chur*****enter City building was build in the 1700's era. 

After church - probably stopping at AC Moore for a frame and maybe some other things to occupy me for the rest of the summer.  I'd like to get a scrap book put together of my daughter's wedding for their anniversary this coming year.  Gene officiated so I have the entire wedding service and want to incorporate that into the book so Jenn & Ed can see their vows and all the words what were spoken on their special day.

I'm planning to take it easy today on the pouch.  The pouch in not very happy today.  Had about an ounce and half of Irish Oatmeal then had to stop.  Now I'm trying to get in some Decaf Earl Grey tea with SF vanilla syrup on there.  That seems to be taming the wild beast in my pouch.  Not sure if the vanilla is just comforting but it working so I'll go with it.

Hope everyone has a good day - stay hydrated!!!



IdaMae D.
on 7/24/10 11:15 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Luck with your colonoscopy and with your classes.  I'm currently waiting to hear if I've been accepted to Grad School - hopefully I'll know something by end of this week. 

We will keep you and your family in our prayers.  I can understand what you are going through.  My dad is 90 and has to be hospitalized periodically.  Hang in there I know how tough it is.



on 7/24/10 11:31 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Ruth, I was just in NY burying Momma's ashes next to Dad and my brother and attending my 45th high school reunion. My Sis and I were with both Dad and Mom when they passed. It is so very hard. Luckily, Di and I only had one small incidence of bickering. And when we talked it out it was due to something SOMEONE else had said to her that was totally not true. Remember, family is family forever!!

OK, tell me why...

Our one child and spouse have never made their kids work.  All through high school they have been doing sports, homework and playing in their spare time.  They were each given a car at 16, and with girlfriends they are never home.  Mom and Dad pay for insurance, gas, expenses and college tuition.  This child and spouse are always struggling. Living pay check to pay check, with both parents working full time.

Our other child and spouse have more money than the law allows. Only one spouse works, the other is a stay at home parent, taking kids to and from everything. Their children also do sports and homework and spend time with friends.  At 15 they are expected to get jobs (the oldest is there now). They can get a vehicle that they must pay Mom and Dad for out of their wages, they will have to pay their own insurance, gas, etc. Half their wages MUST go into savings. (the oldest is doing this now, too) Mom and Dad have college funds set up (that took a big hit with the stock market plunge), but both kids know this is for only half of their tuition, each child must either get scholorships, loans or work to make up the difference.

Which is the best way? I guess we will see how it all plays out over the next 30 years. Our kids had to work at 16 if they wanted a car and insurance and $100 jeans.  Our budget only went so far. We lived paycheck to paycheck with both of us working AND we had my DH's military pension.  We had no money for college and none of them went.

Anyway, it is an interesting look at the different parenting approaches.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


on 7/25/10 12:09 am
Good morning Ruth and everyone on OFF,

I hope everyone's been enjoying their weekend so far!

Ruth, things have been really heavy for you recently.  I'm so sorry your dad isn't doing well.  It's so hard!  I'm sorry to hear about bickering too.  That definitely brings unneeded stress on everyone.  :P  I hope thing improve for your dad!  Sorry too to hear that you're anemic.  Hang in there!

The family gathering yesterday was fun at first but then my DH became ill and we had to leave.  I'm not sure if the heat got to him or if he's already got some kind of bug.  Everyone was very concerned of course.  He seems a little better today but still feels off.  That's why I'm not sure it's just heat related.  I did get to see family members I hadn't seen in years and that was great.  My family is very noisy when we're all together, that's for sure!  Sometimes I couldn't hear the cousin that was standing right next to  me!

Today ... another day of hiding from the intense heat and humidity.  I'll keep working on that cross stitch I'm making for my granddaughter.  She was born on July 22 so I'm hoping to finish ASAP.

Have a glorious Sunday everyone!

on 7/25/10 12:17 am - Alexander, AR
Ruth, it's so nice to see you this morning! I've missed you, but understand how life gets busy and choices need to be made as to how our 24 hours are spent. I must admit, I don't post on this thread often, sometimes it's all I can do to get the What Are You Eating thread going. We all understand!

Please take care of yourself, you're the only YOU we have!

Gary and I are going with friends to see Inception today, then home to putter around the house. Company coming for dinner Thursday night and I want to get the house in order. Nothing like company to get you motivated to straighten up, right?

Okay, off to make breakfast and get moving. Hope you and all the rest to follow have  wonderful day!

Love and hugs



on 7/25/10 1:03 am - Medina, OH
Morning Everyone!

Hope everything goes well with all of your stuff that you have going on.

I am tired today.  Worked two days on preparing things for the family reunion and cleaning up my house.  I wanted to be able to rest today.  I don't think I want to get out of my jammies.  I invited my son and his girlfriend over for dinner so I guess I have to,  Dang it

Nothing much going on here.  I wish I was back in Florida.  We were suppose to leave for Alabama yesterday night, but plans fell through.  Oh well, maybe another time.

Well, going to go back to doing nothing today.  lol



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

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